Monday, July 25, 2011

reasons a break-up is good...i will add them when i think of them

funny note...when i started this post i had just been dumped by my best friend and now, literally a year later, i just got my heart broken again....well, let's be honest here, as much as it feels like a broken heart it more of a devistating realization that what i had hoped to be amazing was just in my head...sometimes we fall in love with the idea of someone or something rather than the actual person. i thought he was different, turns out he is father told me the other day he was talking to my uncle about being worried about me as the break up really messed me uncle compared me to a cat and told him i will always jump back as i always do (i have no choice as i am too stubborn to actually give up on life)...and so i keep on trucking as i have to.....

1. you never have to be concerned if the only clean underwear you have are your period undies
2. the toilet seat is always at the proper down position
3. no one will give you shit if you feel like getting stoned in the bath tub
4. you don't have to go through the effort to hide it when you are pooping.
5. you have to worry about one less person
6. you got out before the shit got really deap and devistating
7. you now have time to hang out with your friends and dont have to hear some chum bitching about how you are always busy and dont have time for him...waaaaa fucking waaaa
8. you save $$$$....and dont have to keep covering dinner/lunch for some turd who makes more money than you but  forgot to pay his bills but doesnt want to eat alone but also doesnt want to pay for you...
9. you dont have to say you are his mistress anymore because he never seemed to find the time to get divorced from his actual wife
10. you arent crying every time he hurts you anymore and that stabbing pain when it happens is now gone
11. you dont have to deal with someone literally talking over you to make his/her assinine comment heard over yours
12. you only have to smell your own farts (unless you gave the cat her favorite stinky cheese)
13. you can actually cook at home and someone appreciates it ( you)
14. you can get that super cheap massage from the weird neighbor guy without getting any shit
15. you can start crafting your christmas gifts as it is august and next thing you know...
16. you find out who your true friends are
17. you no longer have to be someones mom and thereapist
18. you are 100% back to being there for your friends
19. you arent eating as badly and might have an actual chance in losing weight (after the two months of constant chocolate eating of course)
20. you are getting more sleep as you arent up all night argueing with someone who refuses to be cognescent of his behavior and would rather fight all night than to admit he was being a jerk
21. you still have the food you bought in the fridge
22. you find your friends actual appreciate the funny and silly gifts you find for them
23. you arent embarassed by your drunk boyfriend who can not control his drinking behavior and irritates the crap out of your friends
24. you dont have to explain everything to someone who seems to have been locked in a cave forever
25. you dont have to listen to someones crappy xm radio station anymore
26. you can go see indie films without him bitching about how pretentious it was all night

Sunday, July 10, 2011

how much i love my costello.

let me start with this: i think everyone needs something or someone to truly be in love with...for me it is my cat, costello. costello isn't some rare species of purebred cats. she doesn't have any super exciting markings of missing limbs. she looks like your typical black cat with amber eyes...typical to everyone, but me. to me, she is the apple in my eye. she is the thing that i always look forward to seeing everyday no matter what. she adores me and i adore her and we know each other very well. she is the only roommate i have ever truly enjoyed living with.
i am in my 30's, pale, freckled and have a sexy gut. i work with kids but don't have any of my own. i don't date much and when i do it's usually a disaster. i am unproductive often but will say my social life is pretty rockin'. anyway, all these things don't matter to costello. all she wants is to be taken care of and loved. she makes me happier than anything in the world( sans my family....) she is my family. she is my husband and kids...our bond is nothing but love and trust. sometimes we want things in life but they haven't or won't come in life and so we love what we have because you have to have something to believe in.....and now  a classic 80's rock ballad for your pleasure (that my cat apparently hates):
Poison: Gimme Somethin' to Believe In:

Our Portait by Dynamite Dames Photography.2011

love her endlessly be contnued

nail salons and baby bumps

my boy friend had just broken up with me. we were up til 4am and i somehow convinced him to try to make it work around that time...2 hours later my dad was picking me up to drive 6 hrs to the beach. i stopped crying just in time...i thought i'd buck up at the beach but the underlining understanding that we were through was all i could think best friend doesn't even want forward to the beach. solemn but slightly hopeful we were there and so was my entire crazy family...all their tan bodies splashin' around and me,pasty and super depressed...i knew the relationship was over and it hurt really bad. the first day i pretty much watch cable all day. the next day i had to at least attempt to not be a mess and i had 2 books in hand to help me look busy and focused. i put on my swimsuit (ouch) and noticed my toe nails looked rough...i attempted to paint them but my growing gut prevented it completely. so i gave up. while in the pool i realized that i could only think of one thing that might cheer me up: getting a fancy the next day i borrowed my dad's iphone and looked for a place. i found it...we drove there although my stomach was really upset. i get there and pick out some colors: something you should never do when heartbroken and sad...somehow i ended up with a purple magenta color....i sat down thinking the same thing i always think right before a pedicure, "is this wrong? is it weird that an asian women is subservient at my feet while i sit on a back massaging thrown? am i losing it? they make a ton of money...but still...." so here we are, 3 women on  throwns and 3 women at our feet speaking a language only they, not being able to just relax as usual.  so the small talk begins...bla bla bla...and then she says it: "when is baby due?".....fuck you lady!!!!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Friday, June 10, 2011

tiny little shelf retro redo project...

Who says you have to have a lot of cash money for a cool art/organizing/D.I.Y. project???? not me!
At the yard sale i think i paid $3 dollars but i'm a professional yard sale haggler at these things so i probably paid $1....instead of going out and spending all my money i gave myself a doable project to occupy myself. there it is.